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Extend Whatsapp Validity

  1. Go to Settings then Account then Change number.
  2. In this whatsapp you have to change your mobile number twice and revert to the same earlier and nothing else.
  3. Amazingly it tricks whatsapp for extended validity on android.
  4. Lets say your Phone no. is 8866****** having service expiration Feb 18 ,2016.
  5. You just have to enter your old number as 8866****** And new no as your second sim no.9067******.
  6. Repeat the same process again keeping old number as new and vice versa and bring back your old number which you want to keep.
  7. Cheers, you have extended your validity for one year from today’s date. ( The date on which you are performing this trick)

Don’t worry it will not delete your history or remove you from any group.
