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Hide specific photo albums and events on your timeline

If you have certain photo albums you don't want people seeing, but don't feel like deleting them completely, you can hide them so only you can see them on Facebook. The same goes for events in your life, whether it be a relationship change, new job, etc.
Just take note of the little gray icon next to a photo album or post. Two little people mean that it can only be seen by your friends, a globe means it's public, and a padlock means only you can see it.

Block people from being able to contact you

If someone is spamming you with messages or you just want to make sure they can't see your profile, go to their profile page click on the three dots to the far right. Select "Block."

See what your profile looks like to the public and individual friends

This is handy for seeing what on your profile is visible to others, including individual friends you may have hidden certain information from in the past.
When you're logged into Facebook on the desktop website, go to your profile, click the ellipsis and then "View as..."

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