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List of C keywords

Keywords are reserved words which have standard, predefined meaning in C. They cannot be used as program-defined identifiers.

    *Generally all keywords are in lowercase although uppercase of same names            can be used as identifiers.

List of C keywords are as follows:

  1. auto 
  2. break 
  3. case 
  4. char 
  5. const 
  6. continue
  7. default
  8. do 
  9. double 
  10. else 
  11. enum 
  12. extern 
  13. float 
  14. for 
  15. goto 
  16. if
  17. int 
  18. long 
  19. register 
  20. return 
  21. short 
  22. signed 
  23. sizeof 
  24. static 
  25. struct 
  26. switch 
  27. typedef 
  28. union 
  29. unsigned 
  30. void 
  31. volatile 
  32. while 

Write C Program to print Hello World

/*Program to print  a Hello World*/

//header file

//main function
int main(){

                printf("Hello, World!");

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