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C Program : Addition of two numbers using Scanf Function


void main(){
                int a,b,sum;

                printf("Enter 1st no. ");

                printf("Enter 2nd no. ");

                sum = a+b;
                printf("Sum of a & b is  %d",sum);

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C Program : Addition of two numbers

void main(){

                      int a,b,c;

                      a = 10;
                      b = 20;
                      c = a+b;

                                  printf("The Sum of a & b is %d",c);

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C - Variables

1. Variable in C Programming is called as container to store the data.

2. Variable name may have different data types to identify the type of value stored.

3. Suppose we declare variable of type integer then it can store only integer values.

4. Variable is considered as one of the building block of C Programming which is also called as identifier.

5. A Variable is a name given to the memory location where the actual data is stored.

Following are the types of variable in C :

  • Local Variables
  • Global Variables

Local Variables

    1. Local Variable is Variable having Local Scope.

      2. Local Variable is accessible only from function or block in which it is declared.

        3. Local variable is given Higher Priority than the Global Variable.

        Global Variables

        1. Global Variable is Variable that is Globally available.

        2. Scope of Global variable is throughout the program [ i.e in all functions including main() ]

        3. Global variable is also visible inside function , provided that it should not be re-declared with same name inside function because "High Priority is given to Local Variable than Global".

        4. Global variable can be accessed from any function.

        Features of C

        Fast and Efficient

        Programs written in  C are efficient and  fast. This is due to its variety of data type and powerful operators.


        C is highly portable. This means that programs once written can be run on another machines with little or no modification.

        Function and Rich Libraries

        C program is basically a collection of functions that are supported by C library. We can also create our own functions and add it to the C library.


        Modular programming is a software design technique that increases the extent to which software is composed of separate parts called modules.

        Easy to Extend

        In C, New feature can be added at any time by programmer.

        Case Sensitive

        It is a case sensitive language, that it can differentiate the character is uppercase or lowercase.

        Origin of C

        In 1970 a programmer, Dennis Ritchie , created a new language called C.

        1. The name came about  because it superseded the old programming language he was using : B

        2. C was designed with one goal in mind : writing  operating system.

        3. The language was extremely simple and flexible and soon was used for many different types of programs.

        4. It quickly became one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

        List of C keywords

        Keywords are reserved words which have standard, predefined meaning in C. They cannot be used as program-defined identifiers.

            *Generally all keywords are in lowercase although uppercase of same names            can be used as identifiers.

        List of C keywords are as follows:

        1. auto 
        2. break 
        3. case 
        4. char 
        5. const 
        6. continue
        7. default
        8. do 
        9. double 
        10. else 
        11. enum 
        12. extern 
        13. float 
        14. for 
        15. goto 
        16. if
        17. int 
        18. long 
        19. register 
        20. return 
        21. short 
        22. signed 
        23. sizeof 
        24. static 
        25. struct 
        26. switch 
        27. typedef 
        28. union 
        29. unsigned 
        30. void 
        31. volatile 
        32. while 

        Write C Program to print Hello World

        /*Program to print  a Hello World*/

        //header file

        //main function
        int main(){

                        printf("Hello, World!");

        For more help watch the video...

        These Are The Fastest Growing Programming Languages

        A lot of new programming languages are making their way to the top and JavaScript is holding the top position for the past few years. Seems like the situation is about to change and JavaScript may soon be dethroned by Python. Python is one of the fastest growing languages and by 2019, it would have a clear domination in the programming community.
        This is a prediction made by Stack Overflow, a programming Q&A center. With more than 50 million amateur and professional developers visiting the website, Stack Overflow is one of the qualified companies to make such a survey. Based on the huge increase in the questions from developers on Python and the data they have collected, Stack Overflow made this survey possible.
        Stack Overflow data scientist David Robinson said in a blog post that, “The term ‘fastest-growing’ can be really hard to define precisely, but we make the case that Python has a solid claim to become the fastest-growing major programming language.

        Just in the past five years, Python went from least to top six most popular programming languages with a whopping 2.5x increase in the questions and views on the language. Stack Overflow also stated that these statistics are related to developers from countries with “high-income”  and represent the trend in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and other such countries.
        The secret behind the growth of Python is its flexibility and versatility. Python is generally used by web and desktop developers, develops/sysadmin and recently even data scientists and machine-learning with Python became popular.
        “It seems like Python is used in every domain — system operations, web development, deployment, scientific modeling, etc etc. There is no other language that is so versatile,” says Jacqueline Kazil, board director of the Python Software Foundation (PSF).

        4 Essential Tools for a Java-Centric IT Environment

        For those unfamiliar with the modern IT scene, “java” might still conjure up images of coffee mugs filled to the brim. And while that is an essential tool for all IT specialists who work the morning shift, we use “Java” here in reference to the popular programming language originally developed by James Gosling back in 1995 (centuries ago in “IT years!”).
        Java, a widely used programming language, is designed for use in the distributed environment of the internet. It is the most popular programming language for Android smartphone applications and for the Internet of Things development.
        Java is now used by some 9 million software developers and is especially popular with client-server Web apps. Its flexibility and compatibility with every computer architecture and its inherent simplicity and “smartness” have endeared it to the hearts of millions.

        Assuring meticulous performance can be challenging without the right tools. That’s why every Java developer, performance tuner, and end-user needs to be equipped with those tools to ensure the best possible results, including these four:

        1. The Best, Most Appropriate Java Profiler

        Java profilers can help you with a multitude of programming tasks, including memory usage monitoring, memory leak detection, analyzing method call durations, finding performance bottlenecks, resolving threading problems, displaying helpful graphs and reports, and much more.

        2. Bug Finding Tools

        To help Java software developers write better code, nothing is more important than an effective, efficient bug finder, like for example FindBugs. FindBugs is an open source tool that utilizes Java bytecode instead of source code. It employs “static analysis” to quickly find numerous types of errors that may be gotten into your Java program.
        And besides identifying the exact type of error and its location, FindBugs also gives you an entertaining but still helpful analysis of the severity level of each error: of concern, troubling, scary, and scariest.

        3. Auto-build Tools

        Given the complexity and length of coding structures in modern Java (and other) software, it is essential to avail yourself of an auto-build tool like Apache Ant to speed things up. Apache Ant is open source, uses XML, and uses Javascript.
        In fact, “the ant” actually requires a Java platform and is mostly utilized for Java-based software projects. However, you can also use it for non-Java apps, like with C/C++.
        Apache Ant is very flexible and non-restrictive as to coding conventions/layouts, and it will help you to quickly and easily assemble and test-run your Java apps to ensure they are all you want them to be.

        4. Data Leakage Protection Software

        No matter how careful one is in programming with Java and pre-testing it, in these days of cloud-based data storage, data leaks are much more dangerous than they once were. If files fall into the wrong hands or simply get “lost,” the consequences to companies can be serious indeed as trade secrets are exposed and consumer confidence is shaken. Data leakage protection software can greatly increase the security level of online data that you simply can’t afford to see compromised.

        Structure of C Program

        Structure of C Program

        • Documentation Section
        • Link Section
        • Definition Section
        • Global Declaration

        main()         Function Section
            Declaration Expressions



        Sub Program Section

        Function 1;
        Function 2;

        List of JAVA Keywords

        1. abstract
        2. boolean
        3. break
        4. byte
        5. switch
        6. case
        7. try    
        8. catch     
        9. finally
        10. char                                  
        11. class
        12. continue
        13. default
        14. do
        15. double
        16. if         
        17. else
        18. extends
        19. final
        20. float
        21. for
        22. implements
        23. import
        24. instanceof
        25. int
        26. interface                      
        27. long
        28. native
        29. new
        30. package
        31. private
        32. protected
        33. public
        34. return
        35. short
        36. static
        37. strictfp
        38. super
        39. synchronized
        40. this
        41. throw
        42. transient
        43. void
        44. volatile
        45. while
        46. goto        
        47. const

        Objective Questions of the Day 04/09/17

        Objective Questions of the Day 04/09/17

        1. How many cycles per second are in 1Ghz ?

        a) 1000
        b) 1000000
        c) 10000000000
        d) 100000

        2. Which is not an output device ?

        a) Monitor
        b) Printer
        c) Speaker
        d) Mouse

        3. How many bits are in a NIBBLE ?

        a) 32
        b) 16
        c) 4
        d) 64

        4. Where does your PC store your programmes when the power is off ?

        a) DRAM
        b) Hard Disk
        c) Cache
        d) Monitor

        5. The Capacity of 3.5 inch Floppy Disk is

        a) 1.40 MB
        b) 1.40 GB
        c) 1.44 MB
        d) 1.44 GB

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        SQL - NOT NULL Constraint

        By default, a column can hold NULL values.

        The NOT NULL constraint enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.

        This enforces a field to always contain a value, which means that you cannot insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.

        The following SQL ensures that the "ID", "LastName", and "FirstName" columns will NOT accept NULL values:


        CREATE TABLE Persons (
            ID int NOT NULL,
            LastName varchar(255NOT NULL,
            FirstName varchar(255NOT NULL,
            Age int
        Try it Yourself »
        Tip: If the table has already been created, you can add a NOT NULL constraint to a column with the ALTER TABLE statement.

        SQL - Date Functions

        The following table lists the most important built-in date functions in MySQL:
        NOW()Returns the current date and time
        CURDATE()Returns the current date
        CURTIME()Returns the current time
        DATE()Extracts the date part of a date or date/time expression
        EXTRACT()Returns a single part of a date/time
        DATE_ADD()Adds a specified time interval to a date
        DATE_SUB()Subtracts a specified time interval from a date
        DATEDIFF()Returns the number of days between two dates
        DATE_FORMAT()Displays date/time data in different formats

        SQL - Aggregate Functions

        SQL aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from values in a column.
        AVG()Returns the average value
        COUNT()Returns the number of rows
        FIRST()Returns the first value
        LAST()Returns the last value
        MAX()Returns the largest value
        MIN()Returns the smallest value
        ROUND()Rounds a numeric field to the number of decimals specified
        SUM()Returns the sum
        Q2. Consider the following code snippet:

        Q2. Consider the following code snippet:

        int number = 14;

        if (number >= 10;


            if (number  == 10)         

                        jLabel1.setText("first string");      


                       jLabel1.setText("second string");    

                         jLabel2.setText("third string");


        What will be the output of the following code snippet:

        Q1.  Identify the error(s) in the following code  fragment

        Q1. Identify the error(s) in the following code fragment

            case 'a':
            case 'A':
            case 'e':
            case 'E':
            case 'i':
            case 'i':
            default :  ch = 'N';

        Comment your answers fast......
        Give me your answers.....

        In the above code fragment errors are:

        i)  The variable ch is uninitialised.
        ii) The switch statements two case constants are
             identical : case 'i' and case 'i'.
             The case constant must have different value.

        SQL - INSERT INTO SELECT Examples

        Copy only a few columns from "Suppliers" into "Customers":


        INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, Country)
        SELECT SupplierName, Country FROM Suppliers;
        Try it Yourself »
        Copy only the German suppliers into "Customers":


        INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, Country)
        SELECT SupplierName, Country FROM Suppliers
        WHERE Country='India';
        Try it Yourself »


        We can copy all columns from one table to another, existing table:

        INSERT INTO table2
        SELECT * FROM table1;
        Or we can copy only the columns we want to into another, existing table:

        INSERT INTO table2
        SELECT column_name(s)
        FROM table1;

        SQL - SELECT INTO Examples

        Create a backup copy of Customers:

        SELECT *
        INTO CustomersBackup2017
        FROM Customers;
        Use the IN clause to copy the table into another database:

        SELECT *
        INTO CustomersBackup2017 IN 'Backup.mdb'
        FROM Customers;
        Copy only a few columns into the new table:

        SELECT CustomerName, ContactName
        INTO CustomersBackup2017
        FROM Customers;
        Copy only the German customers into the new table:

        SELECT *
        INTO CustomersBackup2017
        FROM Customers
        WHERE Country='India';
        Copy data from more than one table into the new table:

        SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID
        INTO CustomersOrderBackup2017
        FROM Customers
        LEFT JOIN Orders
        ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID;
        Tip: The SELECT INTO statement can also be used to create a new, empty table using the schema of another. Just add a WHERE clause that causes the query to return no data:

        SELECT *
        INTO newtable
        FROM table1
        WHERE 1=0;

        SQL - SELECT INTO Syntax

        We can copy all columns into the new table:

        SELECT *
        INTO newtable [IN externaldb]
        FROM table1;
        Or we can copy only the columns we want into the new table:

        SELECT column_name(s)
        INTO newtable [IN externaldb]
        FROM table1;
        The new table will be created with the column-names and types as defined in the SELECT statement. You can apply new names using the AS clause.

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