Your computer has been hacked.
Step 1. Copy this code to notepad
X=MsgBox("Error while opening.Do you want to fix this problem?",4+64,"My Computer")
X=MsgBox("This problem can not be fixed!",0+48,"My Computer")
X=MsgBox("Virus Detected on Your Computer!Do you want to scan your PC?",3+16,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Access Denied!Virus is Activated",2+16,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Virus is copying Your Passwords.........",2+48,"Virus is Activated")
X=MsgBox("Deleting System Files..........",2+16,"Virus is installed on Your System")
X=MsgBox("A harmful Virus is deleting your files.Do you want to stop this?",4+32,"Window Defender")
X=MsgBox("Access Denied! Your Computer is infected",0+16,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("You can not access your computer anymore",2+16,"Your Computer is Hacked")
Step 2. Save it as chrome.vbs and save it on the desktop, and disguise it with some icon.